Sunday 16 February 2014

Havisham Hair Development & Silhouette

Above: Mood board of hair inspirations for Miss Havisham
Over the past couple of weeks, I have been practising the French pleat. The French pleat isn't a Victorian hairstyle, however, you can add many Victorian details. The picture below is my main inspiration for the silhouette:

After adding Victorian elements, I thought what I could do to the hair to add decay and eccentric elements to create the Miss Havisham character.

I was encouraged to create hair that would give a strong silhouette.

Remember the hair design that I created?

This is the silhouette I produced the second time I did the hair.

 You can see here that the hair has a strong shape but lacks the decay and eccentric elements. To resolve this problem, I added flower and a veil to add a more interesting silhouette.

I am happy with the final silhouette, the lace and ribbon contrasts with the strong structure and creates a romantic element, and I like fragile feeling the ringlets on the top give. 

I want to now experiment with more textures and accessories to add more contemporary elements whilst keeping it Victorian and adding more eccentric and decay features. 

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