Tuesday 6 May 2014

Project Evaluation

What the Dickens?

When I was given the brief, I immediately started to research the Victorian era. Having not seen or read ‘Great Expectations’, the first problem to overcome was to understand the storyline and the characters within it. After watching a few versions of ‘Great Expectations’ and reading a couple chapters I was confident I understood the plot and characters. Then I began to research more of the Victorian Era in order to give myself a fuller understanding of context. When I came to designing my Miss Havisham character, I was troubled as to the age I should present her with, having learnt how to do theatrical ageing makeup in practical sessions, I was tempted. However, after reading more about Miss Havisham, I came to the conclusion that she wasn’t really that old and chose to present her more realistically. I practiced the look twice on my partner before the timed assessments. When it came to the continuity assessments, I was most challenged by recreating the makeup, particularly the redness and darkness under the eyes, this shows in the final images, as the under eye area appears redder when I recreated Miss Havisham two weeks later. I found the hair relatively easy to recreate, however I feel that I should have paid more attention to detail for example the arrangement of the flowers and loose strands of hair. When it came to designing and creating my Estella, I tried to make the look very beautiful, keeping in mind of the cold and cruel aspects of the character. I had a hard time finding a model and ended up using an Asian model, I tried hard to overcome this obstacle by adding western features through contouring. I found this brief very interesting and the research progress fun, I felt that learning historical context really helped me create my characters.

Claudia and Quentin

To begin with I was confused about the characters Quentin and Claudia, but after class discussions, I became more confident of the brief. First I researched the horror genre, which lead on to the idea of femme fatale, which I thought, was a perfect concept for Claudia. I then began looking for inspiration through Pinterest, films and music videos for both characters. My ideas for Claudia was clear whilst my ideas for Quentin were still afloat, I couldn’t decide between the look of physically abused or the look of a sinister mask/face paint. I decided to add features that resemble a skull and sown lips for Quentin as I felt this was more interesting. I tried to make both characters very attractive, as they must be appropriate for a music video. I am overall very happy with my outcome and choice of models. However, despite this, I feel that I should have experimented more, and tried out different looks to decide on the final image. Unfortunately, I felt that I was short on time, and this shows I should improve on my time management skills in the future. 

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